This site is intended to support the development of curriculum materials for the Climate Game Changer course.
For an overview of this project, please see
This site contains four structural elements:
Modules are the top-level organizational structure for the course. Modules are composed of Outcomes, Readings, Experiences, and Assessments.
Outcomes identify what people will know and be able to do if they master the material in a module.
Readings represent “passive” learning opportunities, web pages, articles, and videos related to a module.
Experiences represent “active” learning opportunities, in which people carry out some action related to a module.
Assessments help course designers understand how effective the modules are at: engagement, improving climate change literacy, and creating behavioral change.
Note that the current set of modules, outcomes, readings, experiences, and assessments are partial, incomplete, and preliminary. They are provided just as a catalyst for discussion and improvement.
Also note that this website is intended to support design of the curriculum, not delivery. We can implement a separate application to actually provide this information to students, develop online quizzes, provide game mechanics, and so forth.